/BCO-DMO/Mechanisms_Bivalve_Response/OA_modeled_growth --development_time_post_fert eq 408-- Level 2

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# Modeled growth of M. californianus larvae to pediveliger stage after acute acidification stress
# PI: George Waldbusser (Oregon State University)
# Co-PIs: Chris Langdon, Burke Hales, & Brian Haley (Oregon State University)
# Version: 20 October 2016
development_time_post_fert  time  
408                         17    
treatment  pCO2   aragonite_sat  pH     pH_category  omega_category  shell_size_est  energy_est_from_shell_len  ingestion_rate_est  food_energy_content  assimilation_efficiency  resp_rate  resp_cost  energy_est_from_shell_len2  daily_ingestion_rate  net_growth_efficiency  respiration_costs  change_in_energy  scope_for_growth_energy  delay_effect  
La         2228   0.65           7.39   Low          Low             209.037         4810.780                   227.888             0.608                0.29                     0.937      18.842     4810.780                    964.349               0.67                   452.199            5456.893          512.150                  nd            
Lb         2175   1.31           7.55   Low          MedLow          241.590         7447.939                   365.281             0.608                0.29                     1.222      24.555     7447.939                    1545.752              0.67                   589.322            8483.593          956.429                  nd            
Lc         2457   2.18           7.64   Low          MedHigh         246.933         7956.584                   392.281             0.608                0.29                     1.272      25.558     7956.584                    1660.009              0.67                   613.392            9068.790          1046.616                 nd            
Ld         2063   5.21           7.86   Low          High            251.391         8398.361                   415.844             0.608                0.27                     1.314      26.409     8398.361                    1638.359              0.65                   633.810            9463.294          1004.549                 nd            
Mla*       272    3.25           8.19   MedLow       Low             181.902         3161.187                   144.832             0.608                0.38                     0.727      14.609     3161.187                    803.086               0.67                   350.609            3699.254          452.476                  nd            
Mlb        219    0.5            7.84   MedLow       MedLow          241.308         7421.685                   363.891             0.608                0.29                     1.219      24.503     7421.685                    1539.871              0.67                   588.063            8453.398          951.808                  nd            
Mlc        197    1.09           8.03   MedLow       MedHigh         247.907         8051.730                   397.347             0.608                0.29                     1.281      25.743     8051.730                    1681.447              0.67                   617.827            9178.299          1063.620                 nd            
Mld        241    1.87           8.11   MedLow       High            252.115         8471.573                   419.759             0.608                0.27                     1.321      26.548     8471.573                    1653.781              0.65                   637.152            9546.531          1016.629                 nd            
Mha        191    4.58           8.35   MedHigh      Low             207.193         4683.739                   221.399             0.608                0.29                     0.922      18.539     4683.739                    936.888               0.67                   444.924            5311.454          491.963                  nd            
Mhb        715    0.31           7.48   MedHigh      MedLow          243.759         7651.730                   376.082             0.608                0.29                     1.242      24.960     7651.730                    1591.457              0.67                   599.042            8718.007          992.416                  nd            
Mhc        437    1.03           7.84   MedHigh      MedHigh         248.477         8107.841                   400.337             0.608                0.29                     1.286      25.851     8107.841                    1694.099              0.67                   620.432            9242.888          1073.667                 nd            
Mhd        396    2.36           8.04   MedHigh      High            251.020         8360.997                   413.847             0.608                0.27                     1.310      26.337     8360.997                    1630.492              0.65                   632.100            9420.816          998.392                  nd            
Ha         365    4.82           8.21   High         Low             217.781         5444.508                   260.457             0.608                0.29                     1.010      20.309     5444.508                    1102.169              0.67                   487.411            6182.961          614.758                  nd            
Hb         8.73   0.51           7.54   High         MedLow          242.032         7489.193                   367.465             0.608                0.29                     1.226      24.637     7489.193                    1554.996              0.67                   591.298            8531.041          963.698                  nd            
Hc         773    1.17           7.75   High         MedHigh         248.216         8082.092                   398.965             0.608                0.29                     1.284      25.802     8082.092                    1688.292              0.67                   619.237            9213.248          1069.055                 nd            
Hd         803    2.33           7.88   High         High            253.356         8598.153                   426.533             0.608                0.27                     1.333      26.788     8598.153                    1680.471              0.65                   642.904            9690.459          1037.567                 nd            
Control    767    4.69           8.05   Control      Control         250.183         8277.065                   409.364             0.608                0.27                     1.302      26.177     8277.065                    1612.830              0.65                   628.247            9325.405          984.584                  nd